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This theory course covers the AC 61 Subject 16 - CPL Air Law (Aeroplane and Helicopter) syllabus for New Zealand pilots.. Aspeq Ltd is contracted by the NZ CAA to conduct the examinations. This subject includes Privileges and Limitations,  Documentation and Aircraft Maintenance, and General Operating Requirements (Part 91). All Sections have practice questions that provide instant feedback and we have Sample Test papers that you can practice. You are expected to have the PPL Knowledge prior to sitting this exam.


This theory course covers the AC 61 Subject No 20 - CPL Meteorology syllabus for New Zealand pilots. Sections include Temperature and Heat Exchange, Atmospheric Stability, and Tropical Meteorology.

Each section of the syllabus can be reviewed in any order - no requirement to complete parts of the course or finish exams before you can move on. All Sections have practice questions that provide instant feedback and we have Sample Test papers that you can practice. You are expected to have the PPL Knowledge prior to sitting this exam.


This theory course covers the AC 61 Subject 18 - CPL Flight Navigation syllabus for New Zealand pilots. Sections include Position Referencing, Chart Reading, and VFR Flight Navigation. Each section of the syllabus can be reviewed in any order - no requirement to complete parts of the course or finish exams before you can move on. All Sections have practice questions that provide instant feedback, and we have Sample Test papers that you can practice. You are expected to have the PPL Knowledge prior to sitting this exam.


This theory course covers the AC 61 Subject No 34 CPL Human Factors syllabus for New Zealand pilots. Sections include Physiology and the Effects of Flight, Vision and Visual Perception, and Stress Management. Each section of the syllabus can be reviewed in any order - no requirement to complete parts of the course or finish exams before you can move on. All Sections have practice questions that provide instant feedback and we have Sample Test papers that you can practice. You are expected to have the PPL Knowledge prior to sitting this exam.


This theory course covers the AC 61 Subject 22 - Principles of Flight and Aircraft Performance syllabus for New Zealand pilots. Sections include Basic Aerodynamic Theory, Flight Controls, and Range and Endurance. Each section of the syllabus can be reviewed in any order - no requirement to complete parts of the course or finish exams before you can move on. All Sections have practice questions that provide instant feedback and we have Sample Test papers that you can practice. You are expected to have the PPL Knowledge prior to sitting this exam.


This theory course covers the AC 61 Subject 26 - Aircraft Technical Knowledge (Aeroplane) and the Section 2 syllabus  Aeroplane Technical Knowledge. Sections include Magnetism, Exhaust Systems, and Pressure Instruments. Each section of the syllabus can be reviewed in any order - no requirement to complete parts of the course or finish exams before you can move on. All Sections have practice questions that provide instant feedback and we have Sample Test papers that you can practice. You are expected to have the PPL Knowledge prior to sitting this exam

CPL Meteorology
CPL Navigation
CPL Human Factors
CPL Principles of Flight
CPL Aircraft Technical Knowledge
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